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Nationally Accredited by ATS


CIU’s Columbia Bible 神学院 部长博士 (DMin) degree will provide you with the skills you need to grow as a professional ministry leader, and you can complete it in under 3 years. In this program you will have the opportunity to reflect on your practice of leadership by examining ministry leadership from diverse strategic perspectives. 旨在适应从各种事工背景的事工从业者, you will find yourself challenged to mature spiritually, strengthen your personal and professional ethic and develop a biblical approach to your own practice of leadership. 


  • 制定一个在领导力方面持续个人属灵成长的计划
  • 在事工中培养领导的个人和职业道德
  • 实施一种包含多元文化和全球视角的领导方法
  • 使用案例研究方法评估领导力实践的有效性.

Why Choose Columbia International University

CIU’s 部长博士 is designed to allow you to focus on research and writing from the beginning of your studies, allowing you to finish the program more quickly.

Other advantages of CIU’s program include: 

  • 非住宅模式,允许您在不搬迁或旅行的情况下攻读学位. 
  • Experienced faculty mentors who will provide individualized guidance in areas of their expertise. 
  • 在参加CIU期间,按照圣经软件免费提供. 
  • Accredited regionally by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and accredited nationally by the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) and the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). 
  • Degree can be reasonably completed in under three years. 

Overall Benefits of the Degree

CIU’s 部长博士 degree allows you to deepen your knowledge and understanding of leadership and ministry practices. This advanced level of education equips you with the necessary skills and expertise to effectively serve your congregation or organization. The 部长博士 degree provides you with opportunities for personal and professional growth. It allows you to engage in research and scholarly work, which can enhance your critical thinking, problem-solving and leadership abilities. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and career advancement within the field of ministry. 此外,博士学位可以打开新的事工机会的大门. It can provide you with the credentials and credibility needed to pursue positions such as senior pastor, denominational leader or seminary professor. It can also enhance your ability to contribute to the academic community through publishing research and teaching. 

此外, pursuing a 部长博士 degree allows you to network and collaborate with other ministry professionals. This can lead to valuable connections and partnerships that can enhance your ministry effectiveness and provide ongoing support and encouragement. 



  • MIN 9440 Profile of the Godly Leader

    本课程旨在帮助你恢复领导力的个人精神元素. 而不是学习最佳的领导实践和方法, you will focus on the character, 的态度, 和动机,使圣经所推崇的领袖与众不同. You will construct a profile of the servant-leader, especially the leaders internal qualities, 你可以应用在有效的事工上,推进神的国度. (4)

  • MIN 9441 转型领导

    This course will introduce you to various approaches to effective leadership within the context of organizational chaos and complexity. 你将学习那些知道如何施加影响的有效领导者, 催化, and support positive changes in structure, 组织文化, 和人民. 你会明白组织变革的努力是领导力的命脉. You will be able to consult, 建议, and engage leaders throughout any organization using principles of personal and professional ethics.

  • MIN 9442 Multicultural Leadership with Global Focus

    This course will help you deepen your effectiveness for leading others in diverse ethnic and global ministry settings. You will lay a biblical-theological foundation for leadership that fosters ethnic and cultural integration, 学习如何组成多民族/多元文化的事工团队, 并学习如何建立庆祝多元文化事工的社区. 在期末项目中, 你将反思如何将你所学到的原则应用到你目前的事工环境中. (4) Prerequisite: MIN 9441

  • MIN 9901 Literature Review

    为了熟悉与你的主题相关的其他人的研究, you will engage in an in-depth literature review and will synthesize your understanding of the state of the research. You will create an annotated bibliography of at least 40 titles and will articulate your analysis of what others have written on your topic. The end product will be a 6,000-7,000-word paper that summarizes your literature review and functions as the first chapter of your capstone project.

  • MIN 9902 Research Foundations

    在本课程中,您将沿着通往顶点项目的道路迈出第一步. You will learn how to define your research topic, state the rationale and significance of that topic, identify empirical unknowns, formulate research questions, 并将你预期的研究重点与案例研究方法结合起来. The end product will be a 3,500 word paper that summarizes each of these areas and functions as the second chapter of your capstone project.

  • MIN 9903 Conducting a Case Study

    A case study is a careful examination of an organization or program that is designed to identify characteristics specific to that entity. 你将学习如何确定适当数量的机构或项目来学习, examine pertinent documents, and conduct surveys and interviews. 你将设计一个进行案例研究的计划,并实施该计划. The end product will be a 6,000-7,000-word paper that describes your case study plan and process and functions as the third chapter of your capstone project. (4) Prerequisite: MIN 9902

  • MIN 9904 Analyzing the Data

    Having conducted your case study research, 你会分析, 组织, and summarize the data you have collected. You will use your research questions as the framework to 组织 a complete presentation and discussion your findings. The end product will be a 6,000-7,000-word paper that captures the results of your analysis and functions as the fourth chapter of your capstone project. (4) Prerequisite: MIN 9903

  • MIN 9905 Capstone Project

    在成功完成四门规定的研究课程后, you will re-state your research problem, 总结你的发现, explain the significance of those findings, 并建议进一步的研究,其他人可能会在3,500字的论文. 然后你将提交一份大约25分的书面项目的最终草稿,1万字(至少100页),并在由三名教员阅读者组成的委员会面前口头答辩. (4) Prerequisite: MIN 9904



  • 完成应用程序
  • Application Essay (800 words total, typed)
    • 你的转换
    • Your call to ministry or cross-cultural experience
    • A summary of your ministry experience
    • Your concept of your ministry
    • Your reasons for desiring to enter the DMin program at CBS
    • The anticipated impact of the program on your ministry
    • 你最近在神学/领导力/宣教或事工相关领域的阅读清单
  • A masters-level theological degree from an accredited institution (not limited to MDiv or equivalent) with a cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0
  • Official transcripts for highest earned graduate degree and any additional graduate degree work
  • One church leader reference
  • 3 years of ministry experience
  • 最小累积3.0的绩点

认证 and Accolades

ATS (The Association of Theological Schools)
ABHE (The Association for Biblical Higher Education)

Career Path Opportunities

研究生s with a 部长博士 degree can go on to become more effective in their ministries as: 

  • 领先的牧师 
  • 牧师 
  • 妇女事工领袖 
  • 门徒牧师 
  • 田园辅导员 
  • Missionary care specialists 
  • 小组牧师 
  • 教会教育领袖 
  • Parachurch ministry leaders 


Is the degree fully online?


Is the program accredited?

是的. The 部长博士 program is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and nationally by the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) and the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). We have top-of-the-line accreditation for this program.


Currently the only concentration is leadership. The reason that we focus on leadership is because we would like for you to write about your area of interest from a leadership perspective. 所以,当你选择你的主题时,考虑领导力是如何影响主题的.

Are the courses synchronous or asynchronous?

异步. 同步元素是可选的,但强烈推荐使用.

What are the three content courses about?

Profile of a Godly Leader -本课程旨在帮助你恢复领导力的个人精神元素. 而不是学习最佳的领导实践和方法, you will focus on the character, 他们的态度和动机,使圣经所赞扬的领袖与众不同. You will construct a profile of the servant-leader, especially the leader’s internal qualities, 你可以应用在有效的事工上,推进神的国度.

转型领导 — This course will introduce you to various approaches to effective leadership within the context of organizational chaos and complexity. 你将学习那些知道如何施加影响的有效领导者, 催化 and support positive changes in structure, 组织文化 和人民. 你会明白组织变革的努力是领导力的命脉. You will be able to consult, 建议 and engage leaders throughout any organization using principles of personal and professional ethics.

Multicultural Leadership with Global Focus — This course will help you deepen your effectiveness for leading others in diverse ethnic and global ministry settings. You will lay a biblical-theological foundation for leadership that fosters ethnic and cultural integration, 学习如何组成多民族/多元文化的事工团队, 并学习如何建立庆祝多元文化事工的社区. 在期末项目中, 你将反思如何将你所学到的原则应用到你目前的事工环境中.


是的, in fact we are the best priced for this degree. We regularly compare our prices to other institutions and we are one of the least expensive in this area.

Is a Bible software package provided to students?


Do I have to know biblical languages for this program?




How many pages are expected for the dissertation?

The dissertation will be between 100–125 pages.

Who will be my doctoral mentor?

We will provide a DMin mentor for you. We will converse with you about potential mentors.


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